
About Cem Azakliogullari

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So far Cem Azakliogullari has created 123 blog entries.

Vaser liposuction – what is it actually?


Vaser liposuction - what is it actually? Vaser liposuction is a special form of liposuction (liposuction) used to remove body fat. The name "Vaser" stands for "Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance" and refers to the technology used in this process. Unlike traditional liposuction, vaser liposuction [...]

Vaser liposuction – what is it actually?2023-08-25T10:45:53+02:00

Rhinoplasty – Aesthetic Rhinoplasty


Rhinoplasty - Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Closed nose surgery, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, is a popular procedure to correct the shape and function of the nose, in which the incisions and manipulations are made inside the nose, with no external incisions or scars. Here is a general idea [...]

Rhinoplasty – Aesthetic Rhinoplasty2023-08-25T10:36:47+02:00
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